apple - English - hat - tennis - soup - pizza - animal;
hockey - yellow - wool - lemon - Naruto - olympics;
listening news - singing a song - golf - freedom - morning - game;
soup - photo - orange - eggs - sports - swimming - getting up early;
magnolia - actress - sunset - television - news - sleep late - eyelid ;
music - chips - soccer - ride - exercise - English - hobby;
volleyball - listening to music - cook - karate - earth - hiking;
forest - tennis - swan;
recorder - rainbow - wind - double bus - soccer - rose - egg;
dog - going to opera - apple - English;
bowling - gymnastics - song - guitar - rock;
hip hop - pop - paint - taking photos - sumo;
picnic - chess - see the world - domino;
movie - eat - trip - pool - lipstick;
drama - animal - letter - record - daisy - yogurt;
chess - skiing - rock - kite - earring;
jeans - ski - "Ice top" - poems - snow - watch;
chess - sausage - English - helping others - shopping;
berry - yellow - wafer - rabbit - tennis - sofa;
pet - trip - poem - music - collection;
crossword - dancing - guitar - rock - knitting;
HW: Essay 2 "My favourite festival" (235 words)