October 16, 2012

VNB12/TS3/ - Collocation

earth+quake; heavy traffic; a shopping mall;



Topic: News.

* Did you hear about ../ Have you heard ...
* The best thing is ... (funny, scary, worst, other, only..)

A: 1b, 2
B: 1b, 1c, 2a
C: 1b, 2a
D: 1c, 2a, 2b

October 15, 2012

VNB11/TS3/ - link situations

Observe people and write sentences: What are people doing? How do they feel?


Topic: Impressions  :).

* That must be fun
* I see.

A: 1b, 3a
B: 1b, 1c, 2a, 3
C: 1b, 2
D: 1c, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b

October 14, 2012

VNB10/TS3/ - link to experiemce

Write a movie review !



Topic: Movies.

* I was wondering If you could ...
* Would it be all right if ....

A: 1b, 2a, 2b
B: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2b, 3a
C: 1b, 2
D: 1b, 1c, 1d, 2c 

Write review - essay 4 (week 11)



October 12, 2012

VNB8/TS3/ - Verb + preposition

Verb + preposition + VERB+ing
apologize FOR making


 Topic: IF

* If I were you, I'd . . .
* That would be nice (good, great, fun, cool, interesting, fine, wondeful)

A: 1b, 2a
B: 1b, 1c, 3a
C: 1b, 2a
D: 1cm 2a, 2c

October 5, 2012

VNB7/TS3/ - Phrasal verb

Relationship :  get along, go out, 
Going out : eat out,
Daily routines : wake up, get up, 


 Topic: Relationship

* I guess. Maybe.
* though

A: 1a, 1b, 2
B: 1b, 1c, 2a
C: 1b, 2a
D: 1c


October 1, 2012

“PREPOSITION” I.Complete the sentences:
1.You should be ashamed . . . yourself.
a. by b. for c. of d. on e.in
2.What number do you get when you divide 21 … 7?
a. by b. for c. of d. on e.in
3.Achlal has a big sale on right now, 50% off; I want to take advantage . . . this special offer.
a. by b. for c. of d. on e.in
4. Congratulations . . . your 26 birthday.
a. by b. for c. of d. on e.in
5.Her name is Elizabeth, but you can call her Liz . . . short.
a. by b. for c. of d. on e.in

6.When she did her summer cleaniing she threw a lot of old clothes . . . .
a. of b. out c. in d. at e. with
7. Please, don’t get angry . . . me. It’s not my fault.
a. of b. out c. in d. at e. with
8. The students didn’t agree . . . anything the teacher said.
a. of b. out c. in d. at e. with
9. Can you take care . . . my dog while I’m away on holidays?
a. of b. out c. in d. at e. with
10. I think walking . . . the rain is relaxing.
a. of b. out c. in d. at e. with

1. Anna has returned . . . her hometown.
a.to, b. toward, c. on, d. onto, e. in, f.into.
2. The dog jumped . . . the lake.
a.to, b. toward, c. on, d. onto, e. in, f.into.
3. Are the boys still swimming . . . the pool?
a.to, b. toward, c. on, d. onto, e. in, f.into.
4. Thomas fell . . . the floor.
a.to, b. toward, c. on, d. onto, e. in, f.into.
5. The plane landed . . . the runway.
a.to, b. toward, c. on, d. onto, e. in, f.into.
6. We drove . . . the river for an hour, but turned north before we reached it.
a.to, b. toward, c. on, d. onto, e. in, f.into.
7. The kids climbed . . . the monkey bars.
a.to, b. toward, c. on, d. onto, e. in, f.into.
8. Joanna got . . . Fred’s car.
a.to, b. toward, c. on, d. onto, e. in, f.into.
9. The baby spilled his cereal . . . the floor.
a.to, b. toward, c. on, d. onto, e. in, f.into.
10. We cried to the man on the ladder. “Hang . . . !”
a.to, b. toward, c. on, d. onto, e. in, f.into. 

1. He thinks he is better than everyone else. That’s why he always talks down . . . people.
a. for b. with c. on d. to e. by f. in
2. If you go to the park at night watch out . . . muggers?
a. for b. with c. on d. to e. by f. in
3. When you only have a little money you have to look at cutting down . . . expenses.
a. for b. with c. on d. to e. by f. in
4. Congratulations . . . your 21st birthday!
a. for b. with c. on d. to e. by f. in
5. Her name is Louse, but you can call her Lou . . . short.
a. for b. with c. on d. to e. by f. in
6. When are you going to fix that broken window? Don’t worry; I will get around . . . it one of these days.
a. for b. with c. on d. to e. by f. in
7. Sue is sick again. She is always coming down . . . some sickness.
a. for b. with c. on d. to e. by f. in
8. Can you pay for lunch I didn’t bring any money with me? I’ll settle up . . . you later.
a. for b. with c. on d. to e. by f. in
9. Who did you vote . . . in the last election?
a. for b. with c. on d. to e. by f. in
10. “Catcher in the Rye” is a book . . . J.D.Salinger.
a. for b. with c. on d. to e. by f. in

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